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All the $#!T is a no-holds-barred conversation about life.

This podcast continues the conversation that started with the book, All the $#!T I Wish I Knew in High School, as Tom and Will answer questions from young men and big kids who never really “grew up,” with self identity, loneliness, anxiety, staying in shape, maintaining relationships, and all the other $#!T life throws at us.

Tom and Will, occasionally supported by other guests, share guidance and offer perspective based on their own personal experiences, struggles, victories, and losses.

This is a community designed to help young people connect on a deeper, more meaningful level, and to support one another while we’re on this ride together.

We recognize that life doesn't get EASIER after high school - it just changes as new challenges emerge. Join the conversation. You are not alone.

We love talking $#!T.

join us for An unfiltered conversation about life.

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Do you ever think about all the stuff on your to-do list, or a big project you’re not sure how to tackle, and immediately feel exhausted? Have you ever thought about your future with apathy, like no matter what you do it’s just going to be a long, slow slog to the grave?

You could be depressed, but if you’re generally content in your day-to-day life outside of thinking about the future, it could be something else: acedia. Acedia is a state of listlessness, of not caring or not being concerned with your position or condition in the world.

This is NORMAL for people of all ages, especially when it feels like the deck is stacked against you. The only way to fight back is to go BACK to your daydreams - the thoughts and ideas that gave you life and energy. The thoughts that got you excited to get out of bed in the morning. Pull them out and dust them off. Keeping your daydreams alive is one of the best ways to keep a sense of meaning and purpose in your life, and make the future a little less scary.